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Digital Gaitscan of Your Feet

It is imperative that every movement of your foot is analyzed prior to any orthotic being recommended and custom made to be worn by the patient.
Analyzing is easier said than done, with the feet touching the ground for just 0.8 of a second when walking and 0.25 seconds when running the orthopedist or health care therapist may need to be Superman.

Only with the infrared eye that Superman has, can the podiatrist Bondi Junction or orthopedist provide advice to the designers who would custom make the required orthotic.

Superman is now with our team who would employ the newest apparatus available with them the sophisticated Digital Gaitscan then analyze and study every single movement of the feet utilizing the best computer software available anywhere else in Sydney.

The Digital Gaitscan would provide what the health care therapist cannot observe with his naked eye, results that could be used to make the perfect fitting orthotic that would help in reasonably quick recovery for the patient.

Since our team acquired the sophisticated Digital Gaitscan we have been able to provide some of the best services possible to our patients who have found that their new orthotics are better fitting and more comfortable with ease of movement in their feet than their earlier ones.

The Digital Gaitscan would help patients in many ways and also help the orthopedist or the health care therapist to diagnose the problem in a more scientific manner and recommend the appropriate remedy.

The foot is scanned using sensors which records how the weight distribution in the foot takes place and where the problem lies, enabling better evaluation and treatment.

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The Digital Gaitscan would also use 2D and 3D visuals which would advise the orthopedist on the distribution of pressure in the foot; especially for sufferers of plantar fasciitis Sydney CBD and heel pain Barangaroo. A very comprehensive report would be forthcoming which would provide minute and detailed information about what is really troubling the patient and what remedial action could be initiated, and the exact type of orthotic required.

The report being compiled takes thousands of digital images of the foot and only then concludes as to what is the issue which no human would be able to compile.
The report would also advice the right type of remedial action helping the orthopedist or health care therapist at our clinic to provide the best possible orthotics to our patients and offering the best orthopedic treatment incomparable to none.

The best part of what the Digital Gaitscan does is its versatility, and that is the available report is directly sent to the orthotic laboratory where the orthotic in designed and custom made at the laboratory hence the patient gets what is required in double quick time.

Orthotics Sydney CBD has been providing optimum service to their patients for two decades and has been in the forefront providing exemplary orthotics solutions are reputed to be punctual in supply and also reasonably priced.

Our portfolio of services offered is impressive apart from Digital Gaitscan we also provide physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, pilates and massages to help our patients recuperate faster.